



Tracker  Zoom in

open closed Total
Bug - - -
Feature 20 - 20
Support - - -

Priority  Zoom in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent - - -
High 3 - 3
Normal 17 - 17
Low - - -

Assignee  Zoom in

open closed Total
Cristofer Pinto 1 - 1
Fabian Marcelo Astorga Castillo - - -
Felipe Ignacio Flores Valencia - - -
Jose Escalante 1 - 1

Author  Zoom in

open closed Total
Cristofer Pinto 11 - 11
Fabian Marcelo Astorga Castillo - - -
Felipe Ignacio Flores Valencia 9 - 9
Jose Escalante - - -

Version  Zoom in

No data to display

Category  Zoom in

No data to display