



Tracker  Zoom in

open closed Total
Bug 32 - 32
Feature - - -
Support - - -

Priority  Zoom in

open closed Total
Immediate - - -
Urgent - - -
High - - -
Normal 32 - 32
Low - - -

Assignee  Zoom in

open closed Total
Kary Tudela 3 - 3
Mario Villalobos 3 - 3
Ruben Salas 2 - 2
Sebastian Caceres 7 - 7
Vaitheare Gomez 2 - 2

Author  Zoom in

open closed Total
Kary Tudela 14 - 14
Mario Villalobos - - -
Ruben Salas - - -
Sebastian Caceres - - -
Vaitheare Gomez 18 - 18

Version  Zoom in

No data to display

Category  Zoom in

No data to display