


Wiki » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Kevin Marca, 09/25/2018 05:42 PM) → Version 3/6 (Kevin Marca, 09/25/2018 05:45 PM)

* h1. wiki

{| border="10" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="10" align="center"
! This
! is
| a
| table

You can ''italicize'' text by putting 2
apostrophes on ''each'' side.

3 apostrophes will '''bold''' the text.

5 apostrophes will '''''bold and italicize'''''
the text.

(Using 4 apostrophes doesn't do anything

special -- <br /> 3 of them '''bold''' the text as
usual; the others are ''''just'''' apostrophes
around the text.)